• Add 5 mm horizontal gingival attachments and 6-8 degrees buccal root torque (to avoid elongation of palatal cusp tip).
  • Crosssbite elastics 1/4 6oz 24 val

Reshaping the arches. Tapered, Omega or Square forms need to be reshaped into ovoid form.

Expansion. Expand narrow arches. Average transverse measurement = 33-37mm.

Clincheck instruction for cases that require expansion:

“This case requires expansion. Please expand across the U6 teeth ___ mm each side or a total of ___mm. I want the transverse dimension across UR6 lingual – UL6 lingual to be ___. I want all the posterior teeth UPRIGHT with their long axis over the alveolar base. No buccal or lingual tip.”



  • 0.25 mm in linear movements
  • 1 degree of torque per aligner in palatal direction
  • 0.25 degree per aligner in vestibular direction or “please apply 0.25 degree per aligner for buccal root torque movement.