Class 2 div 2

Option 1

1/4 4,5 oz: from palatal of 14 and 24 to 37 and 47

  • The patient is asked to wear the elastic not only at night during the movement of the second molar, but also to wear it for an additional 3 hours during the day with the start of movement of the first molars. The patient is also advised to wear the elastics during the night for at least 3 months after active treatment is completed.
  • Consider the force of the Class II elastics for anchorage to be optimal at maximum of 100 g for Class II and a maximum of 80 g for Class III.


Class 2 elastics 3/16 6 Oz: on upper 4’s precision hooks and lower 6’s button cutouts.

For extrusion of a mistracking tooth (bootstrap):

1/8 6.5 oz

Crossbite elastics

Crosssbite elastics 1/4 6oz 24 val


  • Crossbite correction – 3/16 3.5 ounces
  • Class 2. Start with light elastics ½ 2 oz and increase up to heavy ½ 4 oz (if AP is more than 3 mm)
  • Cl 3 5/16?  4.5 oz or 6 oz
  • In Class2 div 2 place elastics from 4 to 7 (to avoid retroclination of front teeth) + horizontal gingivally beveled attachment next to incisal edge)
  • Not tracking 2’nd incisor – medium force elastics – 126 g (3/16)  4,7 mm or ¼ 6,4 mm

Anterior open bite:

Anterior elastics – U3-L3+L4 – 1/8 3.5 Oz (triangular fashion, night time only)