Upper lateral incisors

Always put an attachment (optimized support attachment, multiplane or extrusion attachment) Trays should fit perfectly (use chewies) Sequence movements (first rotation or tip, last extrusion or intrusion) Use auxiliary techniques if the aligner "lag" (bootstrap) Widen peg-shaped incisors before treatment.

Treatment monitoring

Check the fit of the current aligners Check for any loss of tracking Assess oral hygiene Run the finest diamond strip through the contacts and ensure the strip can pass through passively and no teeth are 'stuck' (5-5). Some contact may require slight relief to...

Aligners Change Pattern

Initial change The initial 14-day interval to change the aligners is recommended as smaller orthodontic tooth movement is expected at the start of treatment since the reconstruction processes controlled by osteoblasts and osteoclasts only occur after about 2-4 weeks.